You're right about the power behind those falls --- and the One who created them! Good pic of you and Warren too. Love being able to "see" you guys this way...a blessing!
There are so many great writers out there and I have no intention to try and put myself on their playing field. These writings are for me - things God has shown me, things I have seen, things I need to remember. If God would use any line of it to encourage someone or pause them to ponder I would be over joyed.
Breath taking, Sheri! Thanks for sharing. Tell Jason to put together a team, and we'll be there with bells on!
How exciting! You took some nice photos. I would love to see AND hear those falls.
Amazing! We have an awesome God don't we? To think the Creator of all that cares for each one of us.
Those make our Shoshone Falls here in Twin Falls pale in comparision! We would love to come see them but I'm afraid it may be awhile!
You're right about the power behind those falls --- and the One who created them! Good pic of you and Warren too. Love being able to "see" you guys this way...a blessing!
Oh my goodness we are stunned! Its incredible. Can;t wait to plan a trip there! Love you guys so much. Praying for you.
I've heard about this place it is awesome.
I'm glad you had the chance to see them.
Wow. That is amazing. And to think that is just drops in comparison to God's power.
I hope some day to see those falls.
God is awe-inspiring beyond words. His creation shouts his name, doesn't it?
I think that's cool - Jake.
I think that's LOUD - Max
We love you
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