We are about to leave on a "short term" mission trip with the students from the school.
We are headed to Foz do Iguassu were we will be seeing some of the people
that we ministered with 3 years ago as well as dear friends.
Please keep the whole team in prayer as we are sent as the first team from the school.
I'm sure it will be a learning experience for us all!
Pray for the hearts that are going to hear the gospel message,
that they will be soft and ready to hear and receive.
Also pray that the team will be going with an attitude of servanthood and hard work
rather than a "vacation" mentality!
We also ask that you pray for our safety as we travel and that we all remain healthy.
This post is rather random
as I just have a few minutes
but I thought I would just catch you up on a few ordinary things
that take place here!
Laundry day:
We use the washing machines at the center so we make a trip down there about once a week. (these pictures are one of the trips back with a few things
after having checked to see if things are dry)
There are no dryers there so we hang them to dry.
but also because you can see the conference center in the background.
The area to the right is the cafeteria where we eat with the staff and students Mon - Fri.
One of the smaller racks of clothes.....
when the laundry basket is full (most of the time)
we both grab a side and carry, otherwise the plastic digs into the hands!
We haven't driven it since
(I don't think anyone has!)
They did give us another pickup to drive
and it starts every time!
Just so you will believe me when I say the spiders are big here!
And, yes, I killed this one myself!
This was on our front porch and the following night we saw another one.
He got away before I had a chance with the shoe!

Last night we heard quite the noise from behind our curtain
and when Warren pulled it back this was what we found.
A gecko eating some kind of bug.
It was on the outside of the screen
but we have geckos in our living room on a regular basis.
They are kinda cute!
On a side note:
I drove Ashley and Alipio's care (with Ashley)
into town yesterday.
Stick shift and all.
It felt so good to have the freedom...
Ashley and I were really patting ourselves on the back until...
it started to rain - HARD.
(remember the red, slippery mud?!)
We walked 4 blocks to the car...
soaked to the skin.
I actually could hardly see to walk because my mascara was running
into my eyes and they were burning so bad.
Ashley said, "I'll be your eyes"!
Ya, that works like a charm!
Anyway, we got in the car, prayed and took off for home.
Just outside of town the roads were dry.
Thank you, Lord!
A successful first day of driving!
Watch out husbands - how will you ever keep us at home now?!
I know, no great stories or anything this time
but I noticed how long it had been since I updated
and I wanted to at least let you see how brave I am (killing the spider and all).
Warren and I are planning to return here on Monday
and then I (and Ashley) are going to be painting and cleaning up an apartment
that a new staff couple are going to be moving into.
Warren is actually building a table for Alipio and Ashley
and will be working on that.
Once we get back we have a little over a week before we head to Curitiba.
It's going to be hard to say good-bye here.....