I don't think that he got up there with confidence. I'm not sure, I didn't ask. But I know him, and I doubt it very much that he was overflowing with feelings of being an "overcomer" at that moment. I had been anticipating this moment and I was praying under my breath. I was not to be disappointed.
He was the best worship leader ever.
Okay, I know that is probably living in deception (I'm sure there are plenty of mothers out there that would argue this point and they should!) but I couldn't see past the love that I have for him.
Brett is my son.
And when I saw him in front of the church leading worship I reacted with a mother's heart. I was overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness.
My son was worshiping.
I know him. I'm not so naive as to think that he shares everything with me but I do know that I am blessed that he shares a lot. Struggles, failures, disappointments, sins...along with blessings, joys, love and hopes.
I know his heart.
So I looked at that boy and his worship was pleasing to me. It brought me joy. I knew he didn't stand before me or anyone else in that room as perfect but rather as a worshiper before the One who is.
And as my heart filled with {pride} the Lord reminded me that that is the way He looks at me and everyone else that worships. It pleases Him. He is overwhelmed by the offering. It brings Him to tears.
Simply because I am His child and He knows my heart,
I have become the best worshiper ever in His eyes!
I have become the best worshiper ever in His eyes!
III John 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
As one who was led into glorious worship (tears streaming down my face glorious) by your son, I can only imagine your sense of great pride toward Brett.
Proverbs 31: "And her children rise up and bless her." Carmen
When you shared at Larry Lyons' small group I was most impacted by your testimony of the Godly children you've raised, which I have found to be a very humbling pursuit. :) After Ian's sermon on "Big Dreams" last year I started praying not 'just' for my kids to be Christians, but that all 3 would be called to ministry in some capacity...may my son and daughters follow in your son's footsteps! And may God bring lots of little ones into your life as you travel, for you to love on and bless and mother.
Heather Harwood
1 John 5:4 "The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith." Keep up the faith!
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