Happy Easter!
I am so very thankful that I serve a risen, living God. A God that knows me and loves me as I am. It's mind boggling to think or to try to imagine what He really did for me there on the cross. Thank you, Jesus!
In other matters:
God, once again in this waiting process, has made His will known to us. We had an offer made on our house yesterday, we counter-offered today and a few minutes ago heard that it was accepted. Of course we still have inspections to do and one very crazy hurdle to cross: they haven't seen the house yet! They have visited by means of the virtual tour and then sent the realtor to "spy out the land" and on that have made the offer. They will come to visit next Saturday.
We, once again, stand in amazement of an awesome God. We know that this is nothing short of a miracle and, believe me, we are praising the Lord today. We marvel at the way He has made it so clear that we are to go to Brazil and are so thankful for the clarity of His direction in that. We know that there are likely to be times in Brazil when we are going to have to go back to the past to confirm His will that we are there!
At times I have had only a mustard seed of faith but my God has remained faithful.
We desire your prayers in the completion of this sale. The viewing next Saturday, the inspections and the time frame. In all those areas where the enemy can come in an take our joy.
We are rejoicing!
Picture by Jodi Yoder
Once again I'm in awe of how God is working in your lives. We're praying for His perfect plan in preparing you for Brazil
I"m thinking of you often Sheri. You two amaze me.
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