I'm feeling a little bit lonesome.
It's good to have phones, facebook and e-mails. Believe me, I know that I am going to be so thankful for the technology that we have today but
sometimes a hug would mean the world...
so, today, I just wanted them to know that I miss them and I'm hugging them in my heart....
What a fun night, uh boys?!
The hugs I miss from our daughter in NY we only see her once or twice a year and those hugs mean the world she gives the best hugs.
Believe me, the feeling is mutual. Just the other day I told Jake his birthday was in a couple of weeks and he got very quiet. The "they won't leave until after your birthday" is not so much of a comfort anymore.
We walked downtown by the river the other day and Jake and Max acted like they were king of the paths. "I know where to go, mom!"
looks like you are having a great time in Tennessee. We are going to do a square dance demo today @LBCC's Fesival of Hope. Supposed to be lots of different performers and it is for like 5 different charities. Should be lots of fun. And it is indoors just in case it rains. We are having our end of the season sale @ CC bookstore last Sunday and this. Did very well last week and hopt to do as well or better tomorrow. Love your pictures.
I've been thinking about you two a lot all week and you know we are praying!! This morning, Larry was telling me about a devotion he had and I've also been thinking a lot about it. He read in Jeremiah 15:18 that because of Jeremiah's discouragement, he was basically asking the question...was God going to be like a stream of water that would dry up and not last, not be replenished... a stream that would fail. Sounds like a silly question since we know from the promise of His word and from experience that the answer is No, God NEVER fails, but I see myself in Jeremiah. In fact I am guilty of it this evening. Feeling sorry for myself, not seeing God as my All in All, my stream of living water that never fails! Funny how we can look at our circumstances and surroundings and get so discouraged that we question God's faithfulness. So, I can pray for you both with great anticipation and joy, knowing that God is your life sustaining stream of Living Water, and that you know that well!!
Love you lots! Your friend and co-laborer! See you in Brasil....
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