Thursday, October 23, 2008

Nitty, Gritty - One Foot in Front of the Other

The "nitty gritty" is much harder than the surprise moments.

Last post I got to share a grand surprise of God and this post I share from being in the middle of everyday, just put one foot in front of the other, kind of days. We have a lot of decisions to make and a lot of work to do in the next few months. It isn't what you would call fun stuff. I cling to every little nugget God gives me to show us that we are on the right path. And sometimes I'm just tired of trying to figure out how it will all work.

I was sharing some of my feelings with Warren this morning and it reminded him of a story:

The Sunday School teacher asks her students what they want to be when they grow up and one little boy answers, "a returning missionary"!

Isn't it so true that we want the testimony without the work. If we could just skip the hard parts - the physical work, the raw emotions, the uncertain future - and go right to the exciting, 'let me share with you the joy in what God has done' parts.

It never works that way.

We are part of a society that proclaims instant satisfaction as the way to go. Anyway that life can be made easy and fun is the most used path. We don't like hard work and we don't like to be told what to do. We want choices and we want to choose what is best for me, me me! It shouts from every billboard and every advertising ad that "I" am the most important person and that is who I need to look out for. Prov. 9:13-18

Look around. It has gotten us into a heap of trouble.

God has never offered that kind of life. And no, life is not always easy following Him. I have found that God has used the hard, steady as you go, things in my life much more often than the sweet surprises to bring about change in my behavior and in my faith. Prov. 9:1-6

Its a good time to remind myself of that.


Kristen Wilson said...

That is so true. I believe that he brings such purification in the hard things that nothing can match its worth. I am praying for you guys and I am also praying specifically that you find yourself loving most of these "in between days."

Every time I drive by I am praying for you and all that God brings in your path.

Anonymous said...

You have been strongly on my heart, hope your grand baby is doing better. Covet our time together yet holding it loosely with so much on your plate. Praying for you!