here in Curitiba.
Karen is a young woman from the church who
volunteers there to teach a class of 9-10 years old English.
They love her!
She had wondered if Warren and I might join her and her nephew, Pedro,
so that the kids can hear English
"without the accent"!
the class (w/ Pedro in front)
We jumped at the chance!
Karen introduced us and then opened the time up for questions and answers.
Questions like:
What do you eat for breakfast in the U.S.?
(they tend to think that all Americans eat bacon, eggs, pancakes, etc.
every morning of our lives. It's a huge disappointment to hear we tend
to open cereal boxes most week days!)
(I assured them that we don't all live in houses like what they see in the movies.)
How many kids do you have?
How old are you?
(they were told that is rude but I answered anyway!)
What is your favorite food?
(we then had to talk about ice cream for a while!)
Are you rich?
(what? are you kidding? I am soooo very rich in ways that really matter...)
(Warren answered wisely : God provides everything we need.)
After the many questions we were able to teach them a song in English.
Warren had thought of a kids song earlier that morning:
head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and tooooeeees,
eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!
(I know you were humming!)
We sang it over and over, faster and faster.
With the motions of course!!!!
They also thought they had to teach Warren and I to sing it in Portuguese.
I'm a better teacher than I am a student :(
We finished the time with plenty of hugs and assurances that I would be back next week.
I'm bringing marsh mellows!!!
(Warren will be studying on Saturdays and won't be able to go again)
A stone walking street.
After leaving there we headed to one of the malls where we ate lunch
and then walked around some of the downtown area. Beautiful.
This is a line of Taxis in front of a building where an artist had done the pictures
that you see on it out of tiles.
It was a wonderful day with our new friends, seeing another side of life
and a new-to-us city.
Although, a truly beautiful statue, my first thoughts in seeing it were
"I am so thankful the Savior I serve is no longer on that cross"!
We're enjoying our time here and can hardly believe
that we have already been here for 2 weeks.
Warren starts teaching this Thurs. night.
(John, Flavia and the children arrived in the states yesterday)
We both will speak at a couples dinner on Saturday night.
(It's valentines day here)
Warren will teach twice every Sunday
and I will lead a women's study every other Saturday.
We're needy of prayer.
We are weak but He is strong.
The only thing that outshines your artistic eye in all these beautiful shots is your love for the Lord and His people. (I especially liked that you thought to show Warren actually writing the song and you teaching it on the board. It's the little details that make things come alive.) Your heart shines through! Keep feeds the rest of us as well...
Great Post! Good choice of a song to teach; it's sure to be remembered.
I love the photos around the town. Beautiful.
Regarding the crucifix, it used to bother me that He was "left on the cross". In the last few years I have come to see it as a reminder of what True Love is and that I am truly loved by God."As I have loved you...." John 13:34-35.
Keep posting!
Great post! I especially loved your dress code, sweatshirts and coats :) I wish it were that cold here, haha!
What beautiful opportunities!! Sean and I would LOVE to teach little kids in another country :)... someday.. for now we have to train our little ones. We will pray for you and Warren this week. Sean also is filling in for Rob is weekend. Love you guys! He is our strength!
"As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country."
I just think it is awesome this works both ways! Hearing and seeing your stories on the blog is refreshing encouragement. Yet the whole point is that you two are from a far away country and are bringing THE good news. Praying your thirsty soul watering cans are filled to overflowing!
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