I thought maybe if I repeated it enough I would begin to believe it. And I am.
I, Sheri Yoder, have set up my own facebook page, I am learning how to operate a Mac instead of a PC ( today in the mail I received an instruction book from my favorite son-in-law!) I have an ipod and actually HAVE used it (okay, I've had it since July and just now have figured it out enough to use) and Warren and I GPS ed our way to California and back!
If you are beginning to think you are too old to learn such things, be encouraged. I find if I can do it anyone can!
Today it was the oddest thing, I actually found myself telling someone how to scan pictures and such. I even used the word "browser"! I was amazed to have found someone that actually knew less then me. Oh the joy!!!!

And the highlight of my day - when I turned on Facebook a little bit ago, what did I see but an invitation
to be my best friend's friend. Deb you did it....I'm so proud.
repeat after me:
WE are not to old. We ARE not to old. We are NOT too old. We are not TOO old....
you are CRAZY!!! But I love you anyway :)
What a great post, you had me AND Jason chuckling.
love you mom!
I love it!
You are the epitome of how to stay young! Way to keep up...and even surpass some of us young ones. I think you had a facebook page before me, and I surely don't remember how to use a Mac anymore...and Joy and I managed to get turned around even with a gps.
Look out Portuguese because here you come!!!!!
You CAN do it!!!
You are one rockin' Grandma! I love this.
thanks for your confidence, Blog Snob!!
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