Thursday, September 30, 2010

Estados Unidos - here we come!

Today is the day we board the plane to go back to Tennessee.
To say that we have mixed feelings is putting it mildly.
We are so very excited to see Kellie and Jason at the airport in Nashville.
To see our friends at Calvary Cleveland.
And evidently, the rest of our family in December.

We have missed them all.

But in order to see them, we must leave those here in Curitiba
that we have come to know and love so very much.

I remember John praying the Sunday before he left for the states
that their would be tears when we leave
because then we would know that love had taken root.

God has been faithful to answer that prayer.

So in this last post before we leave,
I will give just a snap shot of the joy
that we found in this place.

The pictures were chosen, not because any one person
is more important to us than another
but rather because they were some of the better pictures
or they expressed a part of the church body that I wanted to convey.
And remember.
I have treasured pictures of most everyone in my possession
that I am sure I will look at often.

To our friends in Curitiba,
We love you, each one.

You have blessed us above and beyond
what we could have hoped for.
We have grown in our love for Jesus because of you.

Thank you
for the laughter,
the tears,
the honesty
and the great love shown to us.

You will not be forgotten...

Besides - this is not good-bye but only

See you later!

and God bless you until then.

1 comment:

Shelldell said...

Blessings from God all over the world