I can't believe how fast time goes nor how little I have written lately!
Sorry about that. I have kept up with Facebook and I am glad to see many of you there! :)
We're still having the same computer problems and Warren is using the lap top as I write this so no pictures with this post. We've had the computer fixed a couple of times with it doing the same thing within 20 minutes of use.... love/hate
For those of you holding your breathe,
waiting to hear of our next step.....It's looking like our next home is
Rio for at least the month of October. We only found out (from the Lord!) a couple of days ago. And though we cannot quite imagine leaving all these people we have come to know and love here in Foz do Iguacu - now that the decision is made we find ourselves
excited to see what God has in mind for us in Rio.
Brett will arrive here (can you imagine my excitement!) at the Falls with Rob, Jess and Amanda on the 18th of this month. They will remain until the following Tues. when they will visit a couple of the other churches. Our plan is to leave on the 25th for Rio where they will fly in on the next day. The pastor from the Rio church is finding Warren and I a small apartment to live in while we are there and says he has many plans for us that he cannot share on the e-mail or the telephone!!!! O
nly in person! Most of you know that we have been to Rio 3 previous times and already love the church body there.
Going back in time - a couple of weeks ago we found out that not only do we have to leave Brazil in December we will also have to be out of
the country for a year (we had thought 6 months) if we do not have another visa in place or in the process by then. We have decided to go after a volunteer visa (hopefully a two year) because that will be faster than seeking a more permanent one at this time. We are trusting that one will be granted to us as we don't believe that the Lord brought us through all of this only to go back home so soon. Of course, His ways are not our ways and so; however it turns out, we know that God has only His best in mind.
Having found this out we, of course, do not want to rent anything long term (besides we have no idea even where we would do that!) and feel it would be a good time to visit and spend time at some of the other churches.
Maybe during this time God will reveal His plan to us. I know that we are continually asking for prayer and we're not stopping yet!!!! We need Alex to find us a safe, affordable place to live while in Rio, provision for the expenses of the travel, someone to continue to teach us Portuguese, the visa process and that we would be quick and willing to do all that God has on His heart for us. We have felt the prayers of all of you during this transition and know that they have sustained us. We are very, very grateful. We also are so thankful for all of the e-mails, skype calls and facebook messages! They have helped tremendously to curb the homesickness!
Next time pictures and stories - I